Posted by: victanguera | July 13, 2010

Writing Prompt #216

Yesterday I came across a very thought provoking quote on twitter:

Tragedy, for me, is not a conflict between right and wrong, but between two different kinds of right. ~Peter Shaffer

Often in books and movies conflicts revolve around good vs. massive evil. Sometimes, that starts to feel too contrived and over the top, as if it belongs in a comic book with the likes of Batman and the Riddler (not to degrade those genres as I love a rollicking good vs. evil tale just as much as the next person).

But what about the “smaller” stories? What about those tales played out between two people that have opposing goals, but both are right? Those human tragedies can create immense connection with a reader.

So for today’s prompt, write a scene with a conflict between two different kinds of right.

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