Posted by: victanguera | September 29, 2021

Reading Journal: An Update

Full disclosure: YouTube is a time suck once you start watching people create reading journals and bullets journals and…

From watching those videos can see right away that there are two ways to go about this whole thing. The first is to track thoughts as you read, jotting notes, quotes, complaints and raves as you read. Okay, none of those actually show up on YouTube. Maybe on Instagram a bit.

The second is to theme yourself all up. Create pages at the beginning of each month. Draw smoking beautiful pictures (ha, ha, I’m a reader, not an artist), scrapbook the shit out of your journal with washi tape and stickers and maybe one or two thoughts about the actual book.

Drags myself back from the edge. Steps away from looking online for washi tape. And stickers. And calligraphy pens. And…

I’m being a small bit unfair to the second method as that is what captured my interest to begin with. I wish that I had even a small measure of that kind of creativity.

Instead, I hauled myself down to the dollar store and stocked up on a few stencils, some stickers and a couple cheap pens. Let’s start small and work our way up from there. I found myself writing thoughts down as I read instead of my usual method of remembering important bits once I’d finished the book. And often forgetting those same bits.

Also, it is amazing what you can do with a stencil and a few coloured pencils.

Okay, okay, I did get some washi tape as well. And maybe some alphabet stamps. There may also be a calligraphy pen in there as well. That could be why I got a notification that my budget was shot for the month. Good thing the month is almost over…

Starts looking for calligraphy nibs online…

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